Anaconda vs. Miniconda – welche Distribution wählen -

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Anaconda vs. Miniconda – welche Distribution wählen

#1 Mitglied ist offline   el_pelajo 

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geschrieben 06. Februar 2023 - 22:02

Anaconda vs. Miniconda – welche Distribution soll man wählen?

Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, was der Unterschied zwischen Anaconda und Miniconda ist?
und wenn es möglich ist, Miniconda mit zu wählen, sagen wir die wichtigsten Pakete für


und so weiter ö also etwa Dinge wie etwa

jupyter notebook

das ist nach wie vor ein spannendes Thema.... - hier ein kl. Ueberblick an Quellen die mir Orientierung boten bzw immer noch bieten,

"Anaconda versus Miniconda - what are the differences"

In the Anaconda repository, there are two types of installers:


"Anaconda installers" and "Miniconda installers".

What are their differences?
Besides, for an installer file,, what does 2- stand for?

answer: The difference is that miniconda is just shipping the repository management system. So when you install it there is just the management system without packages. Whereas with Anaconda, it is like a distribution with some built in packages.

Like with any Linux distribution, there are some releases which bundles lots of updates for the included packages. That is why there is a difference in version numbering. If you only decide to upgrade Anaconda, you are updating a whole system.
end of cit.



- Update individual packages
- Updating just the packages in the standard Anaconda Distribution
- Why updating the Anaconda package is almost always a bad idea
- Leverage conda environments
- pip, PyPI, and setuptools?

What is conda-forge?
Conda-forge is a community effort that provides conda packages for a wide range of software.

Miniconda vs Anaconda | The Similarities and Differences

Anaconda is bloated — Set up a lean, robust data science environment with Miniconda and Conda-Forge

What is the difference between miniconda and miniforge?

---some words regarding Anaconda, Miniconda, and thingsd like env, pyenv and also Virtualenv.

did you use pip and virtualenv in the past, now you can replace this with the usage of conda
With that you are able to perform all of the same operations.

some comparisons and insights into all of these things:
- pip is a package manager,
- virtualenv is an environment manager; but - here the good thing:
- and conda is both.

You ever thought that conda is well known as a so called packaging tool and besides that as a installer.
With conda you can do a whole lot more: you can do a whole lot more than you might have done with pip.
conda is developed to do more: it can handle all the library dependencies outside of the Python packages

But wait: there is more: Conda can manage the Python packages themselves.
Conda also establishes a whole virtual environment, like virtualenv did in earlier times.

All you have to do now - dive into conda - and get a cheatsheet with the most important commands for conda.
then learn the conda commands - and get familiar with them.

Dieser Beitrag wurde von el_pelajo bearbeitet: 06. Februar 2023 - 22:03

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