Nachlese zum #State of the Word 2023 in Madrid ¡Hola WordPress! -

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Nachlese zum #State of the Word 2023 in Madrid ¡Hola WordPress!

#1 Mitglied ist offline   el_pelajo 

  • Gruppe: aktive Mitglieder
  • Beiträge: 78
  • Beigetreten: 15. Dezember 21
  • Reputation: 16

geschrieben 12. Dezember 2023 - 20:33

Nachlese zum #State of the Word 2023 in Madrid ¡Hola WordPress!

Aufregender Tag für die WordPress-Community! In einem bahnbrechenden Schritt hielt Matt Mullenweg die allererste State of the Word-Rede aus der charmanten Stadt Madrid, Spanien. Live von diesem pulsierenden Ort aus gab er alljährlich Einblicke in das WordPress-Projekt, feierte seine bemerkenswerte Reise und drückte seine herzliche Dankbarkeit für die vielfältige Community aus, die es vorantreibt.

.... mehr hier:

Unveiling the Year’s Triumphs: a Testament to the Spirit of Innovation in the Community
Mullenweg took a moment to reflect on the pivotal achievements within the WordPress ecosystem over the past year. From its humble beginnings as a blogging tool to evolving into a robust website-building platform and now a powerful application framework, WordPress has reached its 20-year milestone (woo-hoo!) with resounding success.

Noteworthy mentions include WordPress’s prowess in scalability (as witnessed during Taylor Swift’s Time person of the year announcement – with 100k requests / second) and security, demonstrated by sites like and
The WordPress Playground continues to astonish, allowing users to set up a fully functional WordPress site in the browser in a matter of seconds. A true testament to the community’s spirit of innovation, as described by Matt himself.

Here’s a brief demo narrated by Adam Zielinski:
more topics: Peering into the Future: Collaboration and Workflow Environments

read more:
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