Getting started with the WordPress-Theme Twenty-Twenty-Four (TT4) -

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Getting started with the WordPress-Theme Twenty-Twenty-Four (TT4)

#1 Mitglied ist offline   el_pelajo 

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geschrieben 01. Mai 2024 - 20:23

Getting started with the WordPress-Theme Twenty-Twenty-Four (TT4)

im Folgenden einige Hinweise und Einführungen zum aktuellen Standard-Theme - Twenty-Twenty Four TT4

hier einige Literatur- und HowTo-Quellen ... gefolgt von zwei guten Videoclips

WordPress 6.4: Pattern verwalten und kategorisieren sowie weitere neue Features und das neue Standardtheme Twenty Twenty-Four


Block Patterns oder kurz Patterns sind eine tolle Sache, weil man verschieden gestaltete Blockgruppen abspeichern und wieder verwenden kann. Für bestimmte Dinge wie z. B. die Kontaktdaten hat man sogar die Möglichkeit, diese Vorlagen zu synchronisieren. So sammelt man Patterns, die man an verschiedenen Stellen der Website verwenden kann. Aber wie kann man diese Vorlagen wieder löschen, umbenennen, bearbeiten und kategorisieren? – Welche neuen Features gibt es bei WordPress 6.4 ? – Diese Fragen beantworte ich in diesem Beitrag.

Twenty Twenty-Four kennenlernen geschrieben von Peter Müller
Schlagwörter: Block-Themes, Full Site Editing, Top-Beiträge, Twenty Twenty-Four, Website-Editor


In diesem Beitrag lernen Sie das Standardtheme Twenty Twenty-Four und seine drei Anwendungsfälle kennen: Business, Photographer und Blogger. Danach sehen Sie, wie man mit wenigen Klicks die helle Standard-Business-Website z. B. in eine dunkle Fotografen-Website verwandeln kann.

Introducing Twenty Twenty-Four
Hey, everyone! It’s that time of the year. A brand new default theme will be featured with the next WordPress 6.4 release: Twenty Twenty-Four.

The Concept The idea behind Twenty Twenty-Four is to make a default theme that can be used on any type of site, with any topic. Because of that, and contrary to past years, it has no single topic. Instead, three use cases were explored: one more tailored for entrepreneurs and small businesses, one tailored for photographers and artists and one specifically tailored for writers and bloggers. In essence, it’s a collection of templates and patterns which, all combined, make up a theme. These patterns include different Home templates for different use cases such as an About page, project overviews, RSVPs, and landing pages.
Twenty Twenty-Four’s styles and elements are instantly recognizable, inspired by modern design trends. The theme uses Cardo font for headlines, which provides a hint of elegance and a sans-serif system font for paragraphs. The default color palette of Twenty Twenty Four is light, and it also includes a dark style variation that maintains the same typography. Additionally, there are two more sans-serif variations available: one in light mode and another in dark mode.
Twenty Twenty-Four will be a block theme fully compatible with all the site editor tooling and it will surface new design tools like the details block or vertical text. Another key intent for the theme is to properly present whole page patterns and template variations so that users don’t need to assemble whole pages themselves, thus easing up their site building process.

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Introducing the twenty twenty-four theme

Watch this before you try Twenty Twenty-Four theme for WordPress
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Dieser Beitrag wurde von el_pelajo bearbeitet: 01. Mai 2024 - 20:32

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