Auslagerungsdatei Deaktivieren Ja/nein? -

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Auslagerungsdatei Deaktivieren Ja/nein? Tatsache oder Gerücht?

#1 Mitglied ist offline   MaxKadey 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 16:27

Ich würd gern wissen, was andere davon halten die Auslagerungsdatei zu deaktivieren. Ich habe nun von 1GB auf 2GB Ram aufgerüstet und dachte mir, ich könnte das gern propagierte Deaktivieren der Auslagerungsdatei durchführen. Nun bin ich aber auf unten zitierten Text gestossen, was mich doch ein wenig stutzig machte.
Ist die Deaktivierung in meinem Fall sinnvoll oder nicht? Falls nein, wie soll ich dann vorgehen...das übliche 1,5*verbauter Ram?


Zitat von Windows XP "Tweak-Lügen"


This tweak does nothing for the end user. Windows trys to use all your RAM to help performance. Things that are loaded into RAM ar the non-paged area and the page pool. Any RAM that is not being used will be used to cache further files. Since Windows trys to use all RAM available it will retain code from previosuly opened applications in RAM just in case they are ever needed. If another use comes along then it can be page to its original file (not pagefile). So appliying this registry tweak will only increase the time taken if an application is needed again.

So in reality this tweak does nothing to help performance. If physical memory is needed for another operation then this dll will be paged to disk.

IRQ Priority

This tweak does absolutely nothing at all. Windows does not even look at this key wether it is there or not. It is no where in the source code at all.

You could even look at the name "IRQ8Priority" in "strings" output
from the OS binaries and it won't exist.

On most HALs the OS doen't use th timer wired to IRQ8 in the first place either.

This tweak may have been referenced in some older versions of Window, but it is definitely not in any OS since NT4.


Again does nothing for the end user. I explained how Windows managed memory above. It also only works on ntoskrnl.exe, not drivers. ntoskrnl.exe will hardly ever be paged to disk anyway. It is almost always in use and the only time it would be paged to disk is if you are under an extremely heavy load. IF this happens you most likely will be on your way to a crash anyway. ntoskrnl.exe is also only a few MB in size anyway so it will tend to stay in RAM anyway.

Disable Services

Does nothing. Services are processes that run in the background and wait for system calls to act. NOt all of them will use CPU or memory recources. Most services will just load .dlls that wait in system memory and some don't use up any RAM and will remain on disk and be paged into memory if needed. This may sound bad, but these .dlls are only a few kilobytes in size. Also each process only uses the CPU when it is supposed to use it. Just because it says it is running in services.msc does not mean it is using up any CPU cycles or memory

So the fact of the matter is a service will not use any system recources unless the service is directly in use.

Also blackviper's site (don't know if its in your guide) is crap. It has alot of false information and bad advice. Also his idea behind disabling services is that it will increase performance by not taking up as much system recources.

I myself do disable some services, but this is not for performance reasons . They are just annoyances such as Security Center.

Many sites also want you to believe that running some services are a security risk. This is complete BS. Someone would of have already hacked in to your PC to use a service as a means of attack.

Another thing is that I have fixed a few PC's where the user was following blackvipers stupid advice by disabling services and then lost funcionality of something. This is because blackvipers site fails to mention quite a few things about many services.

I only skimmed through your guide and I probally missed alot of mistakes. Do yourself a favor and don't make a tweaking guide. Especially if you have no idea what the tweaks do. There are literally thousands of tweaking guides out there and all are equally worthless and give out misinformation and bad advice. Don't get me wrong some do give good advice such as security related things, but most of it is just completely incorrect. All tweaking guides I have seen have been done by people who are just regurgitating what someone else told them. All you are doing by putting up a tweak guide is adding to the misinformation. Any tweaking site you read most likely is filled with false information.

Xp is baically tweaked out of the box. There are some things that can be done to improve performance especially on older machine such as turning off eye candy. IT will me marginally faster becuase it's a simpler interface with less to do, but this is more user preference. It is like saying "to tweak linux turn off X." Getting rid of background applications through msconfig would help too as they use system recources, but that is about it. The onyl tweaking that really needs to be done would depend on your needs. For example I absoluetely hate the Security Center so I disable the service. Does this increase performance? NO, but I find it annoying. Other things that would affect performance are viruses and spyware so security should be covered in depth. Also keeping Windows up to date.

If you read a tweaking guide don't believe everything it says. These are probally the most things I see in tweak guides that do nothing or is just bad advice. So ignore anyo9ne who tells you to do the following:

adjust pagefile

IoPageLockLimit is completely ignored by the OS since Win2K SP1 yet I still see it in tweak guides. The pagefile is also a big subject in tweaking guides and probally has the most false information. So basically anything you hear on the net is probally false when it comes to the pagefile.



#2 Mitglied ist offline   tobiasndw 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 16:40

Aktiviert lassen und auf 3000 MB festsetzen

#3 Mitglied ist offline   JollyRoger2408 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 18:28

das sagt MS zum Thema Auslagerungsdatei: Klick
Ich habe 1GB RAM und die Auslagerungsdateien so konfiguriert, wie in dem MS Artikel beschrieben; alles tadellos.
LG JollyRoger

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Win10 Test NB

#4 Mitglied ist offline   Elmec 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 19:45


abschalten bringt nach meiner Meinung garnichts.
Mach doch mal folgenden Test: Wiederherstellung abschalten, Neustart:

Taskmanager aufrufen, Reiter "Systemleistung".

Alles andere erklärt sich

#5 Mitglied ist offline   Rudolf 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 21:08

@MaxKadey: Warum testest du nicht einfach aus ob das was bringt? Kaputtgehen kann doch dabei nix, oder?

#6 Mitglied ist offline   algra 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 21:42

habe seit 2 Jahren 2GB Speicher, die Auslagerungsdatei deaktiviert und bis dato keine Fehlfunktion festgestellt. Auch mit den neuen Spielen-> FEAR, Far Cry, The Regiment, Star Wars, BiA, CoD2 usw. KEINE Probleme.

#7 Mitglied ist offline   MaxKadey 

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geschrieben 11. März 2006 - 23:47

Beitrag anzeigenZitat (Rudolf: 11.03.2006, 21:08)

@MaxKadey: Warum testest du nicht einfach aus ob das was bringt? Kaputtgehen kann doch dabei nix, oder?

Habe auf eine frisch formatierte Platte die Pagefile gesetzt. So liegt sie schön unfragmentiert am Anfang.
Ich hab keinen Bock, wenns doch nix gebracht hat, alle Daten wieder runter zu schmeissen und alles neu zu machen.

Ansonsten vielen Dank @all..speziell für den Link :)

#8 Mitglied ist offline   Kritikus 

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geschrieben 13. März 2006 - 11:30

Wie macht man das beim Raid0? Es ist noch eine einzelne IDE Platte vorhanden.
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