Mit der grafischen Oberfläche "magic" kann ich ohne Probleme Pakete verschicken, versuche ich jedoch die selben Pakete mit "ipmagic" zu verschicken, klappt das ganze nicht:
ipmagic -ip UDP -is -id -ud 123
Ich vermute das liegt an dem "-ip UDP", da der Fehler nicht kommt, wenn ich es nicht schreibe, das Paket aber trotzdem nicht verschickt wird.
Also ich meine, ich habe alles der helpfile nach richtig gemacht:
Usage: ipmagic [options]
IP: [-is|-id|-ih|-iv|-il|-it|-io|-id|-ip]
-is: source host or address def.
-id: source destination or adress def.
-ih: IP header length def. 5
-iv: IP version def. 4
-il: Time-to-Live def. 64
-it: Type-of-Service def. 0
-io: IP frag offset [(D)on't Fragment|(M)ore Fragments|(F)ragment|(N)one]
-ii: IP packet ID for fragmentaion def. 0
-ip: IP protocol [TCP|UDP|ICMP|IP] def. TCP
-iO: IP options
TCP: [-ts|-td|-to|-tq|-ta|-tf|-tw|-tu]
-ts: TCP source port, def. rand()
-td: TCP destination port def. 80
-to: TCP data offset of header def. 5
-tq: TCP sequence number def. rand()
-ta: TCP ack sequence number def. 0
-tf: TCP flags [(S)yn|(A)ck|(F)in|(P)ush|®st|(U)rg|(N)one] def. S
-tw: TCP Window Size def. rand()
-tu: TCP urg pointer def. 0
UDP: [-us|-ud|-ul]
-us: UDP source port def. rand()
-ud: UDP destination port def. 161
-ul: UDP length
RIP: [-uR|-uRc|-uRv]
-uR: Send default RIP packet to port 520
-uRc: RIP command [RQ|RS|TN|TF|SR|TQ|TS|TA|UQ|US|UA] def. RQ
-uRv: RIP version [1|2] def. 2
-uRa[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Address
-uRn[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Netmask
-uRh[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Next Hop
-uRm[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Metric
-uRr[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Route Tag
-uRe: Add RIP default entry table to packet
ICMP: [-ct|-cs]
-ct: ICMP type def. ECHO REQUEST
-cs: ICMP sub code def. 0
-ci: ICMP sequence ID def. 0
For list of ICMP Types and Subcodes run program with -h icmp.
-gt: IGMP type [D|L|M|MT|MR|P|R1|R2|R3] def. M
-gc: IGMP sub code for types P and D def. 0
-gm: IGMP Max. resp. Time for Queries ie. MR
-ga: IGMP group address def. 0
-gn: IGMP no router alert or no internetwork Type-Of-Service [r|i||]
For list of IGMP Types and Subcodes run program with -h igmp.
-D "<data>": for datapayload
-N <num packets>: send <num packets> number packets
IP: [-is|-id|-ih|-iv|-il|-it|-io|-id|-ip]
-is: source host or address def.
-id: source destination or adress def.
-ih: IP header length def. 5
-iv: IP version def. 4
-il: Time-to-Live def. 64
-it: Type-of-Service def. 0
-io: IP frag offset [(D)on't Fragment|(M)ore Fragments|(F)ragment|(N)one]
-ii: IP packet ID for fragmentaion def. 0
-ip: IP protocol [TCP|UDP|ICMP|IP] def. TCP
-iO: IP options
TCP: [-ts|-td|-to|-tq|-ta|-tf|-tw|-tu]
-ts: TCP source port, def. rand()
-td: TCP destination port def. 80
-to: TCP data offset of header def. 5
-tq: TCP sequence number def. rand()
-ta: TCP ack sequence number def. 0
-tf: TCP flags [(S)yn|(A)ck|(F)in|(P)ush|®st|(U)rg|(N)one] def. S
-tw: TCP Window Size def. rand()
-tu: TCP urg pointer def. 0
UDP: [-us|-ud|-ul]
-us: UDP source port def. rand()
-ud: UDP destination port def. 161
-ul: UDP length
RIP: [-uR|-uRc|-uRv]
-uR: Send default RIP packet to port 520
-uRc: RIP command [RQ|RS|TN|TF|SR|TQ|TS|TA|UQ|US|UA] def. RQ
-uRv: RIP version [1|2] def. 2
-uRa[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Address
-uRn[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Netmask
-uRh[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Next Hop
-uRm[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Metric
-uRr[1|2|3]: RIP Entry table [1|2|3] Route Tag
-uRe: Add RIP default entry table to packet
ICMP: [-ct|-cs]
-ct: ICMP type def. ECHO REQUEST
-cs: ICMP sub code def. 0
-ci: ICMP sequence ID def. 0
For list of ICMP Types and Subcodes run program with -h icmp.
-gt: IGMP type [D|L|M|MT|MR|P|R1|R2|R3] def. M
-gc: IGMP sub code for types P and D def. 0
-gm: IGMP Max. resp. Time for Queries ie. MR
-ga: IGMP group address def. 0
-gn: IGMP no router alert or no internetwork Type-Of-Service [r|i||]
For list of IGMP Types and Subcodes run program with -h igmp.
-D "<data>": for datapayload
-N <num packets>: send <num packets> number packets
Jemand 'ne Idee?
Dieser Beitrag wurde von deen bearbeitet: 29. November 2006 - 22:49