mrzplzktz - Profilansicht -

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Profil von mrzplzktz

Erstellte Beiträge

  1. Seite 1 von 1
  2. Mein Ultrauxthemepatcher geschrieben 11.06.2019 21:46
    Zitat (MZottel: ) Hi mrzplzktz, is it possible that you use a screen resolution 4k or higher? In that case it can happen and is documented in the FAQ a long time ago. Otherwise I only heard from not ...

  3. Mein Ultrauxthemepatcher geschrieben 10.06.2019 07:03
    I learned it hard way that the patcher is incompatible with the 1903 version. I tried it on three different PCs. The behavior is exactly same; Windows doesn't start but stuck at the log in ...

  4. Seite 1 von 1


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