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#1 _MagicAndre1981_

  • Gruppe: Gäste

  geschrieben 23. Dezember 2006 - 21:05

AutoIt v3.2.2.0

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AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys).

AutoIt was initially designed for PC "roll out" situations to configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it is also well suited to performing home automation and the scripting of repetitive tasks.

AutoIt can:

* Execute Windows and DOS executables
* Simulate key strokes (supports most keyboards layouts)
* Simulate mouse movements and clicks
* Move, resize and manipulate windows
* Interact directly with "controls" on a window (set/get text, move, disable, etc.)
* Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items
* Work with the registry



23rd December, 2006 - v3.2.2.0

* Added: StringRegExp() and StringRegExpReplace() regular expression support (Perl compatible)
* Added: Regular expression support for Window title matching.
* Added: ShellExecute() and ShellExecuteWait() functions.
* Added: #RequireAdmin for UAC/Windows Vista
* Added: Windows vista help file entry.

* Added: GuiCtrlSetState() $GUI_DROPNOTACCEPTED.
* Added: $GUI_FOCUS, $GUINOFOCUS for listviewitem control.
* Added: IsDllStruct()
* Added: SRandom() to set seed for random number generation.
* Added: WinTitleMatchMode for case insensitive matching.
* Added: Listview Alternate coloring with $GUI_BKCOLOR_LV_ALTERNATE.
* Added: IconId can be referenced by ordinal value if negative 1-based index is used.
* Added: CompiledScript string file info for compiled script.
* Added: Support >32x32 icon from .exe/.dll in GUICtrlCreateIcon or GUICtrlSetImage.
* Added: Expanded GUICtrlSetTip() to allow creation of tooltips with titles, icons and using the balloon tip style.
* Added: Tooltip supports Default keyword.
* Added: Remark added to _PathSplit() mentioning that it does not accept command line strings, only paths.
* Added: 2 UDF's to GUIStatusBar.au3.
* Added: GUICtrlCreateIcon and GUICtrlSetImage can select in multiple icon file by name.
* Added: @KBLayout to retrieve the current keyboard configuration.
* Added: ToolTip() option to ensure the tooltip is always displaying on a monitor.
* Added: IniWriteSection() function.
* Added: @extended error code on DriveMapAdd error.
* Added: Listview Alternate coloring with $GUI_BKCOLOR_LV_ALTERNATE.

* Changed: Performance improvements (up to 100% on some scripts!).
* Changed: @error set to WinAPI GetLastError() for Run().
* Changed: Small tweak to Floor() to ensure it is not as susceptible to floating point precision errors.
* Changed: Small tweak to Ceiling() to ensure it is not as susceptible to floating point precision errors.
* Changed: PixelChecksum() is now over 30x faster.
* Changed: FileGetVersion() extra parameter to retrieve string file info.

* Fixed: MsgBox() timeout on Windows Vista.
* Fixed: GuiCtrlRead on listview control when sorted.
* Fixed: @OSVERSION on Windows 9x.
* Fixed: GuiGetCursorInfo() with Handle not retrieving mouse click info.
* Fixed: DllCall() crashes when using uint, ushort.
* Fixed: List control height when font size changes.
* Fixed: GUICtrlSetImage() not testing icon on error.
* Fixed: @ScriptDir equal @WorkingDir for rootdir (x:\).
* Fixed: GUIGetCursorInfo() (winhandle) when child not active.
* Fixed: _StringAddComma().
* Fixed: drag & drop $GUI_EVENT_DROPPED notififation on edit control.
* Fixed: Coherency of type parameter for DLLCall() and DLLSructCreate()
* Fixed: Default keyword didn't always work correctly with COM objects.
* Fixed: COM property write fails when using arguments.
* Fixed: Send/ControlSend for US international keyboard.
* Fixed: Send/ControlSend char>=chr(128) for english keyboards.
* Fixed: COM property write fails when using arguments.
* Fixed: MsgBox() with task modal flag left GUI's disabled on timeout.
* Fixed: Error reporting by messagebox even with /ErrorStdOut.
* Fixed: GUICtrlSetImage default icon value for Icon Ctrl.
* Fixed: GUIRegisterMSG() destroyed @error.
* Fixed: $LVS_SORTASCENDING with GUICtrlSetImage icon gave bad display.
* Fixed: Some Object Collections could not be parsed in one AutoIt statement.
* Fixed: Bad screen updating of already unchecked radiobuttons.
* Fixed: Tray icon tooltip not displaying the scriptname when compiled.
* Fixed: UDP... return code on error.
* Fixed: UDPRecv() crashed on bad parameter.
* Fixed: COM was corrupting floating point values.
* Fixed: GUICtrlSetState doc remarks about menu control.
* Fixed: Refresh after a GUICtrlSetBkColor().
* Fixed: Crash on line begining with ~ : "Unable to parse line".
* Fixed: IniReadSectionNames() returned bogus data in Windows 98 when the INI file was empty or did not exist.
* Fixed: @compiled when the script is compiled.
* Fixed: Send() to italian keyboard.
* Fixed: MouseMove() in secondary screen.
* Fixed: StringInStr() not converting to string search parameter.
* Fixed: Int() of a binarystring.
* Fixed: ControlSend sending() special characters.
* Fixed: Crash in Au3exe with badly formed input file in FileInstall().
* Fixed: Wrong execution of a compiled script containing FileInstall() inside #CS-#CE.
* Fixed: FileInstall() referencing a file without any path will reference it from the ScriptDir to be coherent with the compiled script.
* Fixed: Aut2exe crashed using cmdline with shortnames.
* Fixed: Tooltip state (such as icon or title) was showing up on subsequent tooltips that didn't want those items. This affected both ToolTip() and GUICtrlSetTip().)
* Fixed: GUIRegisterMSG() destroy @error.
* Fixed: $LVS_SORTASCENDING with GUICtrlSetImage() icon bad display.
* Fixed: Wrong default arguments for _ArrayToString().
* Fixed: Bad "#" instruction inhibit whole script.



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